MetalcoreMusic ReviewsRockSingle Reviews

Wildfire – Void Matter Not So Generic But Better Than Okay New 2022


Void Matter recently released a hit single along side a music video entitled, “Wildfire”, that you can jam yourself. This metalcore outfit released the not so generic, but better than not okay single on March 30th, 2022 but its not all that there. There is still too much clean singing (for me), but over all is a good song. However I wouldn’t add it to my personal playlist, it reminds me of Papa Roach but with harsh vocals. It also didn’t have any sick leads that I would enjoy. The back up vocals are pretty unique though. I’m just a content reviewer though, you can always see for yourself on our magazine by pressing the play button on the music video to hear and see for yourself. “Wildfire”, is still a decent artwork in my opinion. Void Matter is still fill with talent. I hope you enjoy this single. We’ve posted some content below for your pleasure.

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