Album ReviewsDeath MetalDeathcoreHeavy MetalMusic Reviews

The Great Experimentation Album Review | Poserectomy


Delivering the heat this week, Poserectomy is a one piece solo project by Jorden Abplanalp out of Orem, Utah. The Great Experimentation is a bloodthirsty medley of everything heavy and the first of hopefully many albums to come.

I feel a heavy early 2000’s deathcore in songs such as “My Name Isn’t Larry, And I’m Made of Teen Spirit” and “Hockey Masked Man” really drives that home. “Just Wait Until Twitter Hears About This!” comes blazing forward with some powerful metalcore riffs and breakdowns while Monarch has an Amon Amarth meets Cradle of Filth feel to it, which is very nostalgic. When listening to this album there isn’t one genre it sticks to and I love it. It encompasses almost every sub-genre of deathcore and metalcore I can think of and brings them all together for a brutal experience that will make you want to destroy everything in your path. The bonus track Urinal Rot (feat. Glae) makes me want to put on overalls and hop in the pit because it has some sort of southern charm to it, you’ll see what I mean. My only qualm with the album is at times in songs such as “Just Wait until Twitter….” I wished there would have been some clean vocals. That being said, I give it a solid 8/10 and definitely recommend it for your gym playlist.


Poserectomy: Jorden Abplanalp


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Monarch | Poserectomy (

The Great Experimentation – Album by Poserectomy | Spotify


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