Band ReviewsMetalcoreMusic Reviews



Okay so nobody actually got burned. What did happen is classic metalcore titans August Burns Red teamed up with Will Ramos to release a masterpiece of biblical proportions.

August Burns Red started out in Lancaster, PA in 2003 and after a few line up changes finally landing with Jake Luhrs, they have been a staple in the scene ever since. This time they brought Will Ramos along. Ramos, a name that we all of course have been hearing lately, got his start with Secrets Don’t Sleep in the mid-2010s and really burned through when he joined Lorna Shore in 2020. But you knew that already, right?

What we have here is a journey, embark on an 8 minute journey of catchy early 2000’s metalcore vibes with powerful blast beat sections and epic break downs that will make your pets start a circle pit. (You’ve been warned) The music and how far in branches through early metalcore and what its become today is very well put together through the entirety of the song that really sets the stage for the vocals and the whole feel of the song.

The dynamics in vocals on this song are my favorite part about it. If I put down August Burns Red on one side and Lorna Shore on another, I can think of a lot of bands to go in between them for the differences in vocal sounds. Combining  Jake Luhrs’ more aggressive sounding vocals and Will Ramos’ being very well, dark sounding, sets the stage even more for this 8 minutes of bliss. Towards the end of the song, things start to slow down a bit, which completes the spectrum of everything I imagine when I think of metalcore.

I can safely give this song a 10/10 for how much ground it covers in all of metalcore.



Tour Dates – August Burns Red Official Store (

Tour – Lorna Shore (

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